ARK has supported groups and individuals to create new projects to improve fisheries and habitats, they focussed on the lower reaches of the Kennet Catchment and have improved habitats for coarse fish

Our volunteers gravel cleaning on the Kennet at Theale
Following a sewage pollution incident on the Silchester Brook in 2014, Thames Water and the Environment Agency agreed an Environmental Undertaking in reparation.
A proporation of this money was to be used for small scale improvements, through grants to angling clubs and fisheries, to improve angling opportunities and outcomes. We sat on the steering group, that chose four projects to receive the funding. We also shared our expertise, which was a vital element in achieving the aims of the projects.
On the Kennet below Hambridge in Newbury selected trees were removed to create a better balance of light and shade to the river corridor. This will increase the light for macrophytes (aquatic plants).
On the Holy Brook the bank was re-profiled and an existing drainage channel was extended to provide a fish refuge during high water events.
On the Kennet at Theale a historic oxbow meander was restored, together with reconnection to the main channel.
At Padworth a carrier stream was restored, gravels were cleaned and flows were improved.
Funding was administered by Kennet Valley Fishery Association and the following made up the four successful applications: Civil Service Angling Society, Prospect Angling Club, Mr P Stratton and Central Association of London and Provincial Angling Clubs, Thatcham Angling Association and Reading and District Angling Association.