
There are a number of easy ways to support and donate:



Do you shop online? Did you know that you can raise fund for ARK while you shop? Follow this link to our easyfundraising page and register as a supporter of ARK. then when you shop the retailer will give a donation of your total spend to ARK.  It's really easy to use and can earn valuable donations which will help us continue our work on and around the River Kennet.  Happy Shopping!

Click here for a link to the easyfundraising page


You can also support ARK by becoming a member or by making a donation via cheque.

Please click here for a form.

Gift Aid

We greatly appreciate all donations to help us in our work.  As a registered charity we are able to claim 'Gift Aid' on all donations, which allows us to reclaim the tax, increasing the value of all the donations we receive. If you are a tax payer, please remember to complete the 'Gift Aid' section of the form.
Please post completed forms to: ARK, Avebury, Elcot Park, Elcot Lane, Marlborough, SN8 2BG


To donate by BACs our details are:

CAF, sort code 40-52-40, Account No 00031368 in the name of Action for the River Kennet

Donate through Just Giving

Click here or simply scan the QR code and choose the amount you'd like to give. 100% of your donation reaches us