Events Introduction
Action for the River Kennet is an active organisation, and there is something going on most weeks, click on the menu (left) to see details of events coming up soon, or read on below for general events that take place through the year.
River Walks
Members can enjoy exploring areas of the River Kennet (by kind permission of landowners) which are not normally open to the public. Route maps are provided, and delicious refreshments available at the end of each walk. Members will be sent details directly and walks open to the pubic are publicised on our Facebook page.
Bat Nights
During informal evening strolls around Stonebridge we listen to the echolocation picked up by our bat detectors and watch bats hunt across the meadow and river. Some are led by ARK volunteers, and some are led by a bat expert from the Bat Conservation Trust who can give more insight into the lives of bats and the importance of Stonebridge to the bats that use the site.
Moth Nights
Get close up to some of the amazing moths which live in Stonebridge Meadow. The most up to date list of species can be found here.
We run moth trapping evenings during the summer months.
At least two traps are used in the Scrub Area of the meadow. These contain different types of bulbs for attracting different species of moth. Moths are attracted to the light and are then removed from the trap to be identified and recorded.These evenings are free and provide an opportunity to see a wide variety of moths up close, while we gather data. Children are welcome, but must be accompanied by an adult. Suitable clothing and a torch are essential.
Often we are joined by County Moth Recorder Dave Brotheridge, who has been identifying moths for over 50 years. He kindly verifies our records, which contribute to Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre data.
Please check our Facebook page for dates and last minute updates - Moth Nights are dependent on dry weather.
The meeting point is at the Scrub Habitat Area, found just to the right when you enter the reserve from the Football Club entrance to the meadow.
Click on the menu on the left to see a list of latest events.