About 247 tonnes of phosphorus are flushed into the Kennet each year.
Copyright © ARK 2004 -
Charity number: 1120725
Charity number: 1120725
Action for the River Kennet is a Riverfly Partnership Hub. We run regular Riverfly Partnership accredited workshops for prospective monitors and have 60+ active sites through the catchment. The sites are monitored by our trained volunteers once a month. This citizen science gives us an up to date way to monitor the health of the river and identify pollution. We have more than 10 years of data.
If you would like to access to our riverfly monitoring data please contact anna@riverkennet.org
Please call the Environment Agency: 0800 807060 and then report it to Thames Water using their online tool or call them: 0800 316 9800
Request case numbers. Do take photographs.